A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, both of judgment and mercy, which have hapned in this present age, 1697
Extracted from the best writers, the author's own observations, and the numerous relations sent him from divers parts of the three kingdoms. To which is added, whatever is curious in the works of nature and art.
, Fenyes Collection, Braun Research Library Collection

A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 01 title (image 1 of 15 images)

  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 01 title
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 02
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 03
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 04
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 05
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 06
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 07
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 08
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 09
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 10
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 11 Improvements in music
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 12 binding
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 13 binding
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 14 binding
  • A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, page 15 binding